Monday, 15 April 2013

Carbon Festival

Met the very cool Founder and Editor-In-Chief Andrew Montell and Editor Sean Irviring from Acclaim Magazine at Carbon Festival this weekend. Thanks Acclaim for putting on such an inspirational event bringing over some of the top motivation speakers from around the world. With speakers such as Shawn Stussy, Ronnie Fieg, Woody from Sneaker Freaker, Martha Cooper and so many more sharing their stories about how they made it in the world of hip hop culture through fashion, art, photography and design. I was totally blown away by their humbleness and complete openess. They definitely weren't afraid to say how it is and to be themselves whilst giving some of the best advice for young people wanting to break out into the arts industry. One thing that encouraged me is that I know I'm not alone in this freaking crazy world of working around the clock to achieve my goals and when I think I can take it easy, according to this crew there's no time for taking my foot of the gas. They highlighted their ups and down, regrets and successes and the sheer determination that just drove them all to be where they are today. Cheers Acclaim and thanks to all the crew who came to Carbon to share what they've learnt so that others can be inspired.

(Ronnie Fieg, Venus d'Scarlett, Tricia Ray - 'Lunch with Ronnie' Carbon Festival 2013) 

We arrived in Melbourne on Friday morning and had to head off straight to interview Ronnie Fieg, by the time we got there I was so hungry I said to Ronnie "Do you have any sweets in your pocket?" He was said "No, why? do you need one?" I said "I'm sorry, I'm really hungry, I'm going to faint, I can't do this interview right now." Ronnie said " Well I need to get you some lunch then, lets go you can't be hungry." So we headed downstairs for a quick lunch and did the interview over lunch. Thanks Ronnie for being so understanding! 

Around the clock

Tricia and I are sitting in Cheeky Monkey a cafe in Melbourne catching up on working between meetings.

 As I'm scrolling through my emails this picture comes up on PR Daily, needless to say when I showed Tricia we both had a good laugh at how perfectly this describes our life.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Even your car fits your office

Tricia and I were trying to find a cafe at 9:30pm to work in after our group meeting. We couldn't go into Fremantle because everything was closed, so we stopped at a Chinese restaurant because they're normally open late. We went in and sat down, then the lady came over and told us they were closing and only doing take-away. Then we tried to go to the kebab shop down the road and they were closed too. We are now sitting in the car working at 11pm because everything in Perth is shut!

Colosoul Group Inc Meeting 9th April 2013 

Car office! 
(Tricia Ray and Venus d'Scarlett, 9th April 2013)

On Sunday night we ended up sitting on a street bench working because we got kicked out of the cafe we were working in, they kicked us out at 9:45pm when they were supposed to be closing at 10pm because they wanted to go home. We tried every other cafe in Fremantle and they were all closed! 

Welcome to the world of Colosoul....We make our office anywhere!
(Tricia Ray and Venus d'Scarlett, 7th April 2013)

On Monday night we thought we would try do something different and go to Leederville to work because they're open later. We ended getting kicked out of the cafe we working in again! 

11pm and nowhere to go! 
(Venus d'Scarlett and Tricia Ray, 8th April 2013) 

It is an interesting and adventurous life working for Colosoul. Only at Colosoul would you end up working out of your car at 11pm at night!