Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Hey Colosoul readers!

My name is Mel, and I’m the assistant fashion director at The Colosoul Group Inc. I’d like to say that I’m still the new person here at the office but to be honest, I’ve been here for a few months now, however I still feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.  I’m 19 (my last year of being a teenie bopper) and I’m currently in my third year of uni studying Fashion Design. 

Today is my first day back at Colosoul for 2014, so now I can officially say that I've been here since last year! Still out of breath from climbing the three flights of stairs that lead up our small city office as I write this, luckily this is a blog post and not a filmed interview on camera otherwise I would sound like I were hyperventilating. 

I was a little nervous coming back to the office this year after being away for over a month visiting my family in Queensland but I’m excited for what's ahead and all the rewards, challenges, obstacles and failures that I will most likely experience this year. I always keep telling myself, and everyone out there, that you’ll never learn anything or achieve greatness without making a few mistakes a long the way.  A lot of mistakes! Don’t let it keep you down thought, think “Happy thoughts” LoL. 

Bye for now,
Mel the little lamb signing off. 

Friday, 24 January 2014

Why the music department works for me...

Thanks to its glorious reputation and friendly nature, I applied to Colosoul Magazine with fresh eyes after finishing my journalism degree at Curtin University. Initially skeptical about taking on an assistant music editor position, I was concerned as to what I could and would be able to contribute to the magazine. 

Day one got off to a shaky start. Not knowing where anything was or what I was doing was hard but Tricia (CEO) and James (a fellow Assistant Music Editor) pushed me forward. The music department is steadily ascending in quality and proficiency. We, as a cooperative and eclectic bunch, have banded together to improve the music section’s work ethic, contribution levels, and communication skills.  Working with James, we have interacted with bands and singer/songwriters from across Perth willing to share their knowledge of, and experiences within, the city’s music scene. 

As a music editor, I’m able to appropriately and effectively structure and improve an important section of the magazine. In addition, the music position is bringing me closer to Perth’s arts and entertainment culture. 

Having reviewed albums from bands across WA, and researched the state’s music hubs, this engaging and awe-inspiring side of Perth is widening my gaze. Assisting with this section’s development, I am learning to cooperate with writers and photographers, interact with lead editors/creators, and absorb varying genres, artists, and movements. 

- Tom Munday (Music Department Assistant Editor) 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


It was great having time out from work but then when I get back after the Christmas break I feel overloaded. There is just so much to do - organising all the events for 2014 making sure all the dates and venues are locked in, having the right team to help put them together; emailing potential advertisers, promoting our design agency, catching up with clients and of course mentoring my amazing team. Fortunately for me I have an excellent PA two days a week so I feel like a can actually get through some of my work. The thing is I am ADD - highly active and find it hard to sit still. My admin girl Chelsea and my PA girl Sam keep me on track! Lucky to have them.

Some days I find things easy breezy and they just fly by, others days, like this week, seemed almost as though I have been climbing a mountain. I seem to spend two hours staring at my computer contemplating what I should be doing and not actually doing anything at all, I am then stressed for the next five hours trying to fit the workload in. 

Anyhow, I saw a cool picture today of Canadian mountain climbing goats and I thought to myself, "How the hell do those goats actually climb that mountain?" It actually looked impossible. I turned the picture sideways and upside down, it just didn't make sense. I have decided I am going to do some research into these goats and I will let you know what I discovered in my next post. 

One thing it did though, was remind me that the days are not so difficult after all and anything I really want to achieve, I can. I have just got to keep persevering and pursuing the goals I have here at Colosoul and anything is possible.

Tricia Ray
The Colosoul Group Inc

Canadian Mountain Goats 

Friday, 17 January 2014

How time flies! 

It's funny how fast a day can pass when you're doing something you genuinely enjoy; how  a 10 'til 4 job can leave you not dawdling and passing the time with strategically placed toilet breaks, but instead time-managing as best you can to get everything you want to do, done. The pangs of lunchtime hunger are tutted at, against a flurry of e-mails to answer, and a blog post to finish. At 3:50pm, you're wondering how the hell you only have ten minutes left when you have so much more to do! 

That's the dizzying affect Colosoul has; A busy, buzzing office in which a million and one things seem to be getting done at once. Much like most other early twenty-somethings, work and effort is seldom something I revel in. Even my paid job requires an almost inhuman exertion of willpower to heave myself out of bed and slug my way through hours of dreary retail assistance.

But with Colosoul, I'm doing something I'm excited about, something I'm learning from every day and which is helping me reach goals I once thought were too extraordinary to aim for. When you're doing something that you love, where you're surrounded by others who are doing the exact same thing, the work doesn't seem like work. It's fun, it's an experience, and it's flying by at a million miles an hour!

- Chelsea L Brown