Thursday, 1 September 2016

Words from Tricia Ray

Our Colosoul CEO Trica Ray tells the Colosoul blog how she's feeling in the Colosoul office today... 

Some think that because I am the CEO that I should always have it together. Well, I look like I do most of the time. If I don't, then I quickly get myself back on track before anyone has time to notice.

Due to a major tragedy that I had in March, I have unfortunately incurred a dose of depression and high anxiety from the event. It has definitely made it a lot harder for me to remain focused.

At times I find myself staring at my computer thinking how do I possibly motivate myself now?

Oh that's right! We have $50,000 to raise for our much needed move into Subiaco. How the hell are we going to succeed in doing that?

Well, we have our Indiegogo campaign running and I really hope people are going to support us and give into it.

We have never done a crowd funding campaign before and so far it's not proving to be that easy.

Just as well I am an extreme optimist, so I will keep hoping.

- Tricia Ray (Colosoul CEO)


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